So I'm hoping you've heard the "Born This Way" (Deluxe Edition) album by Lady Gaga by now. She said it was going to be the "album of the decade" and while I was sure I would love it, I thought she might be acting a little cocky. Now that I've heard it however, I think she's right.
Lady Gaga manages to incorporate all music styles (rock, jazz, pop, country, latin) into her new album and ties them together with a dance theme. Listening to it once won't do the trick. There are so many sounds and emotions in each of her songs, that you need to listen to them multiple times to absorb. But once you start to catch on, you are hooked. Every song has a meaning. She said she wrote this album for her Little Monsters...that she knew what we wanted to hear. The Lady was right.
Here is a run-down of my favorite songs at the moment. I'll tell you why and what they mean to me.
Gaga describes this song as "a big mariachi techno-house record, where I am singing about immigration law and gay marriage and all sorts of things that have to do with disenfranchised communities in America."
I've studied a lot of Spanish culture, so I love the Latino attitude of the song. If you love me we can marry on the west coast. On a Wednesday, en el verano, en agusto. I love the romance of running away with your lover, no matter what other people think about it. We don't speak Americano, we speak our own language.
Favorite verse: Mis canciones son de la re-revolución. Mi corazón me duele por mi generación. Translated: my songs are of the revolution. My heart aches for my generation. I love how poetic that sounds.
This is a german dance beat about female empowerment. After saying "I don't speak German but I can if you'd like," Gaga proceeds to sing only in Deutsch for the next 40 seconds. Although I am not sure what she is saying, it sounds really freaking cool. It also makes me feel more in touch with my German heritage...which I otherwise know nothing about.Gaga is saying she needs the approval of others to make herself feel better, like many of us do. This is what I think the "scheiße" (shit) is that she is referring to. I wish I could dance on a single prayer. I wish I could be strong without somebody there. I wish I could dance on a single prayer. I wish I could be strong without the Scheiße yeah.
She is encouraging us to be independent--to be able to stand on our own. She is also saying we don't need to be concerned with the shit in our lives that make us feel bad.
Favorite Verse: When I'm on a mission, I rebuke my condition. If you're a strong female, you don't need permission.
Fashion of His Love
I never was the kind of girl who's naturally sure when it comes to love, oh no. I was insecure. But when it comes to you and me, I can't deny this feeling inside. I've never felt like this before. I can definitely relate to this because I'm borderline relationship-phobic. I'm always second-guessing myself and the person I am seeing. However, I do know one person where all the insecurities were thrown out the window and I feel like I can be totally myself around him.
Gaga is using her status as a fashion icon as a metaphor of her love (for Luc Carl, I assume). If you are a little monster, you inevitably appreciate fashion.
Favorite Verse: You know I'd never cheat on a man cuz I'm not like that. I'm physically crafted to be as fitting as McQueen. (Bonus points for discouraging cheating and also doing a shout-out to the late great designer.)
Bad Kids
This song is definitely for the little monsters. A lot of her fans feel like bad kids sometimes, myself included. You may feel that way because you're an outcast, gay, make alternative decisions, or whatever. Don't be insecure if your heart is pure. You're still good to me. You're a bad kid baby. Gaga is telling you that if you're still a good person, don't feel bad about yourself.
Favorite Verse: I'm a twit. Degenerate young rebel and I'm proud of it. Pump your fists if you'd rather mess up than put up with this. I'm a nerd. I chew gum and smoke in your face. I'm absurd.
You and I
Although she released an acoustic version of this song long before the album came out, I was pleased that she added an electric feel to the record. Critics seem to think this is the best song on the album. I absolutely love it, and sometimes fantasize about getting back together with an old lover and having it be magical like this.
Gaga wrote this song about Luc Carl, her bartender boyfriend from New York who she broke up with when she was pursuing her fame. She came back to him however, and it seems like they are going strong. There were rumors that they broke up recently, but judging by his tweets to her, I'm thinking they are still in love.
Favorite Verse: It's been two years since I let you go. Couldn't listen to a joke or rock n roll. And muscle cars drove a truck right through my heart. On my birthday, you sang me "A Heart of Gold" with the guitar hummin and no clothes. This time I'm not leaving without you.
Honorable Mentions (actually, I'm just tired of writing)
Government Hooker
Favorite Verse: I can be good if you just want to be bad. I can be cool if you just want to be mad. I can be anything, I'll be your everything. Just touch me baby...I don't want to be sad.
Favorite Verse: In the most biblical sense I am beyond repetence. Fame hooker, prostitute, wench vomits her mind. But in a cultural sense, I just speak in future tense. Judas kiss me if offensed or wear an ear condom next time.
Heavy Metal Lover
Favorite Verse: I want your whiskey mouth all over my blonde south.
The Queen
Favorite Verse: Come inside me like never before. Don't forget me when I'm crying at heaven's door. I will fly like a challenger in the sky. Like a phoenix, so I can be reminded of the dreams I once bore.
Bloody Mary
Favorite Verse: We are not just art for Michaelangelo to carve. He can't rewrite the agro of my furied heart. I'll wait on mountaintops in Paris cold. Je ne veux pas mourrir toute seule.
Electric Chapel
You want me bad. I think you're cool. But I'm not sure. Follow me, don't be such a holy fool. Follow me, I need something more from you. It's not about sex or champagne, you holy fool. If you want me baby meet me at Electric Chapel.
Ok...I really could go on and on forever but I have other things I have to do. I know I left out Born This Way, Edge of Glory, Highway Unicorn, and Marry the Night. But thanks for reading. Now I want to know....
What are your favorite songs from Born This Way? Why? Are there any songs on the album you don't care for? Little Monsters, I want to know!!