Tuesday, October 19, 2010

People You Should Follow On Twitter

  1. Lady Gaga, @ladygaga: Her tweets are usually poetic and accompanied by sweet photos.  "http://twitpic.com/2y7z7d I'm on a heater, but this record ain't about poker." " - Lonelydreams + champagne streams, plaza courtyards, I can't swim among them, so ill drink instead a star"
  2. Chunk Handler, @chunkhandler (Chelsea's Dog): Absolutely hysterical.  Sometimes, you really think Chunk is tweeting.  "I feel like taking a long drive up the coast with my head out the window except that's not safe to do while I'm driving." "The interns here have one job. To make sure my bowl is full. If they can't do THAT right. I don't know why they're still even here."
  3. @LindsayInJail:  A hilarious chronicle about Lindsay Lohan's time in jail.  I'd rather follow her than the real Lindsay. "Tried to Whip My Hair back and forth yesterday. Now they're testing me for angel dust. FML." " "Hi sweetie, don't forget your drug test tomorrow morning.""
  4. Trevor Donovan, @trevdon: He is so sweet, and his jokes are so corny, they make you wanna laugh.  I could use more twit pics though! "Psychotic driver picks up Psychotic hitch hiker. Now that's a reality show I would watch" "Laughter lengthens your life and smoking shortens it. So, If you smoke you should at least giggle between drags"
  5. @gagadaily:  For the little monsters out there, GagaDaily provides a wide amount of file sharing for Lady Gaga's music, photos, and personal life.

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