Saturday, October 23, 2010

Did you know...

Enrique Iglesias is still dating Anna Kournikova?  They've been together for 8 years!

Bullying is a serious issue right now.  According to a new study on bullying, 17 percent of American students report being bullied two to three times a month or more within a school semester.  Several gay teens have recently committed suicide due to bullying, notably a student from Rutgers, who was secretly filmed having sex and uploaded on the Internet.  Several movements have ensued, including "It Gets Better" campaign, which consists of personal videos by almost every celebrity AND the President.  On September 20th, for #SpritDay, people were encouraged to wear purple in honor of gay adolescents being bullied.  I certainly had my favorite purple shirt on.

Lea Michele got her first film role, in New Year's Eve, directed by Gary Marshall.  This is a sequel to his celebrity-studded original movie, Valentine's Day.

Oprah is going to be in a movie!  Her co-stars will be Sandra Bullock and Meryl Streep.  Oh em gee!  It's in early development, but I'd definitely say this has some MAJOR potential.

Mel Gibson is no longer doing a cameo in The Hangover 2.  It turns out the starring members of the film were none-too-thrilled to be associated with him.  The role will now be played by Liam Neeson, to which I say, Thank God!  Taken was an incredible, intense movie and Liam is bad ass!

Russell Simmons called Courtney Love a crackhead.  Although it seems obvious, Courtney is kinda pissed because she thought her and Russell were friends.

John Mellencamp stuck up for Sarah Palin recently, insisting that she really is smart.  I wanted to believe that during the '08 elections, I really did.  I thought, there is NO way she can be as dumb as people say she is.  Sadly, I now think they're right.  She is a joke.

Kim Kardashian has been linked to THREE men this week.  Wow, people really love talking about her. First, she was rumored to being seeing John Mayer, then Kanye West, then Sean Parker!  For those of you who don't know, Sean Parker is the founder of Napster, and was most recently played by Justin Timberlake in the movie, The Social Network.  That movie was awesome by the way.

Lindsay Lohan was spared jail time in the light of her recent arrest for failing her drug test, immediately following rehab.  Lindsay has remained at the Betty Ford Center since her most recent slip up, which must be costing her a fortune of money she doesn't have.  She is arguing with judges that rehab could be damaging to her career.  Sweetie, you have no career.  And if you were that concerned about it, you wouldn't have been pissing it away like you are.  Experts are urging Lindsay to get rid of her mother as her manager, and distance herself from them in general.  Her family IS toxic.

The "Dear John" song by Taylor Swift was kind of boring.  I had higher hopes.  Maybe once I read the lyrics and listen to it a few more times, it will grow on me.

Mel Gibson's baby mama, Oskana Gorieva (or whatever), may potentially be charged with extortion.  She is refusing to surrender her laptop to investigators, which many see as very shady. 

In other news, I have been watching Rent on Broadway for 3 days straight with my roommate.  We can't get enough.  I LOVE everyone in the Broadway cast, as well as the original.  Angel and Collins are my favorite.  I think Roger is the hottest.  Matthew thinks Mark on Broadway is.

A Cleveland, Ohio woman was gunned down at work by a man, whom she had warned police about threatening her.  He then used her work pass to go inside and shoot one of her co-workers to death.  This is so disheartening to me to think that police are not protecting people who so obviously need it.

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